Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

Today is the day. The day that all sports lovers and commercial enthusiasts have been waiting for. This is the one football game that America has been waiting for all year. The holy Super Bowl Sunday. Now, more than ever, Super bowl Sunday has engrossed the people of America to sit down and watch football. Stores close up early, people spend all day making food, and not a soul is seen outside of a room with a television turned on to the game.

I have to wonder though, why a game is getting so much attention. A single football game could be regarded as an American Holiday because of how it is treated. People prepare days or weeks in advance. They plan parties, get togethers, or small family rendezvous to watch this sports spectacle. The atmosphere in every house and at the game is ecstatic for either the commercials or the game, while on the streets there is barely a whisper of noise.

A game dominates a huge part of our society. The super bowl is predicted to receive 108.4 million viewers tonight. To put that into context, the State of the Union Address by the president only received 38 million viewers. The difference seems insane to me. That also speaks, what do people really care about?

The magnitude of 108.4 million viewers is almost incomparable to any other televised event. A speech given by our president at the beginning of the year that explains his motives and goals for our country in the coming year should have a huge significance. In my mind that would seem to be one of the most watched events in our country. But people seem to care about different things.

Im not trying to denounce the super bowl, I love it nearly as much as everyone else, but I wonder why the super bowl is so prized, especially above other things like the State of the Union Address. Why do you think more people watch the super bowl? Do you think people should really care this much about watching a game?

1 comment:

  1. I think you pose a very interesting juxtaposition between the number of viewers of the State of the Union Address vs. the Super Bowl. Though it does not really surprise me that there were about 3 times as many people watching the Super Bowl than the president's State of the Union Address, I have to stop and wonder why. Why do Americans seem to be more concerned about a football game than a speech given by the president that summarizes the current situation of our nation? Personally, I think the main reason less people watch the State of the Union is because it is usually very dry and boring in comparison to watching Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers's halftime show. Also, I think Americans probably value sports more than politics because sports are much more enjoyable to watch.
