Monday, January 27, 2014

Susanne Atanus-"God created Autism as a punishment for gay rights"

A couple days ago Republican Candidate, Susanne Atanus, told the press this disturbing line: "God controls the weather and has put tornadoes and diseases such as autism and dementia on earth as punishment for gay rights and legalized abortions.”

I find it incredible that someone would genuinely believe something like that. To me personally, I find that to be an awful logic about why so many people suffer today. People like this find something considered "bad" and group every thing that is also "bad" with it. Some people don't believe in gay marriage and thats their opinion and I understand that. But when they decided to say that because of gay marriage we have disease and devastating weather, that is to much. These people try and simplify the problems by grouping everything "bad" into one problem.  

During the 80's when AIDS broke out, it was condemned as "the gay plague". Because the first man recorded with HIV/AIDS was gay, the gay people of America became the most hated minority. The epidemic was largely ignored by the government and gays were labeled as "high risk". Gay people were grouped with AIDS and they were scrutinized by america. 

People still group things today. People work to identify problems and fix them. Thats human nature, and if they can identify multiple problems and fix it with one solution, its even better. But some problems are controversial and people try and group these controversial problems with clear and obvious problems to make the controversial problems seem like an obvious problem. While the example of Atanus relating devastating weather issues to gay marriage is quite blatant, I believe people do it more often than one might think. Do you know of any groupings that are deemed 'bad'? 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Recent Cold Snap Descends on the Homeless

These past few days America and Canada have received some of the coldest temperatures in decades. Closing schools, roads, and businesses across the country. Personally, I was enthusiastic about the cold snap because it extended my winter break from school. I was looking through my Facebook feed at all the posts about the day off of school when I saw a link to a Forbes article called 'How To Help The Homeless When It Gets This Cold'

In this frigid weather many people (especially the homeless) are susceptible to health risks like hypothermia. When the homeless people have no shelter they are forced to live in the extreme weather. With wind chill well below 0 degrees I find it hard to imagine homeless men and women tucking themselves into corners with very little clothing or food.

From reading this article I was slightly reassured by the fact that many cities, including Chicago, have a hotline that brings in homeless people and gives them warm drinks, shelter and food for a little while. While this is a great project and probably saves lives, I feel that it is more for survival and I wonder if there are projects that are more long term or maybe help homeless people get a job or help them get a home.

I researched a little and found that many organizations strive to help homeless people. I found the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. A reliable and strong organization that has many projects and goals for the city of Chicago. They had many videos and pages on how to help communities with long or short term projects. They also have a blog page talking about very current issues or pointers for homeless people. They talked about the cold and what to do if you were stuck without shelter.

My family and I have volunteered at homeless shelters and donated money but I wonder if what I can do to help more with long term projects for the homeless. Or what others have done to help homeless people.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Marijuana's Legal Debut in Colorado: Good or Bad?

As of January 1st 2014, recreational marijuana became legally available to sell. Only five days into the new year and pot shops are already falling behind. With such high demand these shops are finding it impossible to keep up.

It appears that it is a huge success. Pot is being sold for double the price it was before legalization plus a 20% tax. Even with such high prices, the shops are still selling out. In Colorado, two pot shops that opened in the same town made collectively over $87,000 the first day of legalization. Only 37 stores across colorado opened and many thought that the few number of stores would halt the sales of marijuana, but so far that has been quite the opposite.

While the effects seem to be great from an economic stand point, many people think it will lead to similar problems of alcohol and tobacco: causing addictions in adults and children. Now that marijuana is legal, the access to it will be extremely easy. I think it will lead to same problems that we have with alcohol. Driving under the influence, addiction, public intoxication.

To me it seems that the cons of legal pot outweigh the pros and I wonder what everyone else thinks. Colorado is the only state with legal marijuana, but I wonder if other states will join and maybe create a domino effect.